Birth Certificate

Quadro de Jim M Berberich

Leave the heavy rings on the corners
of Saturn and empty your eyes
as soon as I cast the chart.
Keep the cobwebs
in boxes behind unknown latitudes
and forget all that has been said
for those who ignore
your lunar return and the mathematics
of your permanent damages.

Look at the progressed Sun
changing sign
as you delete the lines
that still bind you
to your improbable heavens.
Turn the tables gently
before the planets are retrograde again.
Something waits for you
within someone.
Something is eagerness
when Venus is in conjunction with Mars
and trine with Pluto.

Exercise the muscles
of your arms and of your heart
without worrying about the transits
or your ascendant.

Your name is star
from now on.

Karla Bardanza

Copyright©Karla Bardanza 2012

1 comment:

  1. Direction carved even into ones subconscious,
    a being evoked and directed from above.
    Mystical, oozing with power.
