The soft beauty of his sudden Portuguese touched that dark heart.”Eu te amo” echoed in her body, passed into her soul forever, no other word could break her holy silence. A trembling joy played around her. She wanted to held him firmly and caress him slowly. For just one moment she closed her eyes, surrendering herself to him, conscious of nothing in the world but his distant presence. She bowed her head upon her hands and wept a little feeling a strange warmth in the room as the words began to murmur in her veins, circling closer and closer her body and soul. Suddenly the moon shivered through her and she found for the very first time that he was beneath her hand, her eyes, her heart. Overwhelmed by that lovely emotion, she replied: “eu te amo too” and the whole world silenced to hear her heart beating fast.

Karla Bardanza

eu te amo= i love you in portuguese

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