Dear Today

Georges Clairin

I got a voucher for this year
but I am not sure if I can buy
happiness or whether it is
still available or not on the
promotional shelves
of tomorrow.

But yesterday
I lied down
on my living room floor
with my dogs and cats
around me, feeling
my own sleepy force
as if I was a living mandala.

I wish I could explain
what happened when
I hugged all my pets
like a goddess breastfeeding
her creation, in total oblivion:
there was no room
for the post-modern woman
and her pain and absurd.

Something dissolved
that voucher and everything
wanted me because
happiness was there
in each paw and tail
warming my afternoon,
reminding me of the
small wonders my third eye
had forgotten.


Rio de Janeiro, 10 de Janeiro de 2013.
"Dear Today,
I finally know what happiness is
and the easiest way to get there
is waiting it to come your way
when you less expect it"

Karla Bardanza
Copyright©Karla Bardanza 2012 Photobucket

1 comment:

  1. Pets are our unconditional love given to us
    when we see it, touch it, feel it and accept it.
    They never fail us. Blessings.
