Blindness is still what hinders people from looking afar.

They can’t see beauty, oceans and stars, they lack compassion

For themselves and even for the others.They cling to stupid

Beliefs and old dogmas as if truth belonged only to them.

Blindness is an infectious disease that spreads so fast

And can last for such a long time...The lesions are permanent,

Indecent, illogical and even chronological...History has many

Examples of this malady: discriminations of all sorts, wars as a

Stupid sport, homicides in the name of God, dictatorships,

Silly revolutions leading nowhere, suicides, stupid fears.

Blindness is what frightens me every single day, it is a word

I am always afraid to say.When we see, we witness...I wonder

If i can survive my own blindness caused so many times by my

Stupid madness and fear...I wonder how many of us are blind

Even to wipe our own tears.

Karla Bardanza

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