Poetry in Love

I hope you talk in poems,
touching my insides with
words painted in flames.
my sun in the glass,
the crystal of the hours undoning
my grief;
roses picked in small vowels,
the spirit of the letters lightening
my perpendicular urge for more.
i hope

to love with my palms open
as Vaults sing, as our reflexes

sigh on the mirror suspended
between two infinites.

mango trees casting their last shadow,
verbs unbuttoning flamboyant trees,
your eyes announcing my goddess.
our muses whispering incantations.
a poetic spell before we collapse

and as i translate the untranslable,
you speak in tongues 
we both need to survive.

Karla bardanza

Copyright©Karla Bardanza 2015 Photobucket

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