March signifies the beginning of Spring and we would love to see your
Spring themed projects.
A broad themed challenge with lots of options - think Sp...
give me a name. let me wear it for a while.
as if i might be someone to be remembered.
let the ground bleed. as we sail upon its wound.
while time listen...
I have always wanted to be the old woman who the devil says about....oh no,
she is still alive. And after the past eight years of falling down, poor
Exes Elon Musk and Grimes Are House Hunting for Bel Air Mansion to Share
with His Other Children's Moms: Source - People
*FAZ DE CONTA* é uma parceria minha com Roberto Mendes gravada por Raimundo
Fagner em seu disco *DONOS DO BRASIL*, escolhida para ser o tema de
Catering Aqiqah Terdekat: Membawa Tradisi Islami Menuju Kemudahan dan
KenyamananIbadah aqiqah, sebagai bagian penting dalam praktik agama Islam,
A Journey To Happiness And Balance
Why go through all the trouble of working hard and being successful if it
won't make you a happier person? That is the...
*"It's death to settle for things in life" - Pope Pius XIII*
A baby crawling on a pile of babies. Jude Law emerging from under this pile
of babies. So begi...
Art Journal Journey asked us for something new so I used my new pens to
draw and zentangle this piece. It is good to be back after such a long time.
*“I d...
*Meet the lady...*
*will ya?*
*that one with the words,*
*falling off her eyes*
*like shooting stars...*
*with the verse dripping off her velvet skin,*
*Wicked Hour by Chloe Neill *
*Heirs of Chicagoland #2 *
*In the second pulse-pounding novel in the USA Today bestselling Heirs of
Chicagoland series,...
*Caros leitores,*
*Hoje excepcionalmente, vamos trazer alguns quotes de jóias da literatura
nacional! *
*Vamos viver aventuras no Mundos Paralelos, nos em...
Hi, I'm Theresa. I write MG and YA, both contemporary and contemporary.
This year, for Pitch Wars, I'm submitting a YA contemporary that deals with
a paren...
Sou o barulho, sou o silêncio, tristeza e alegria, o grito e o murmúrio,
sou o riso e o choro...
Sou melancólico!
Saber que sei que o meu drama é comédia ...
(Art by Diane Ethier)
Hoje é 26, Helena
giramos todos, tontos
ao redor de um sol alheio ao que vemos
[Dizem: haverá um tempo de luz
passada toda...
sometimes angels arrive,
unannounced, unbidden, enunciating
news of signs and visions,
weighty as the gold chain
sewed within the hem of
a skirt of palest la...
Oh Esteves
Uma andorinha pousou na minha sorte
No meio do caminho tinha um beco
Eu não conheço ninguém em Pasárgada
O trem das onze não passa em Jaçanã
Twisted Thursday
OUTLAWZ Challenge Blog
is always Anything Goes, however there are twists and this weeks Thursday
Twist is Paper Piecing.
Closer to the eye of the shooter, this is because Preview is quite
literally applying a filter to each individual page of the PDF you are
saving. the proce...
I'm not sharing this information to receive accolades from folks. Rather,
I am sharing the inner turmoil that went on regarding this decision.
I rely on m...
há dias que me perco
em açudes dentro de mim
há antúrios nas margens
colorindo meu olhar aberto
as escolhas são perfeitas
e o tempo um ínfimo detalhe
I have decided, after much thought, to close down this blog. I don't feel
that is speaks to where I am at and for some reason, the weight of my past
posts ...
I have been improving my back yard these past few seasons, beginning in
2013. While most of my improvement projects that first year were devoted to
e não ouvi
de tua boca
a seda
nem vi o sândalo
ou o céu
em teus olhos
a me falar de sol
por que, meu bem
minha palavra lacra-se
e muda
em tua c...
*Resep Membuat Bakwan Sayur Enak dan Renyah *- Bakwan merupakan cemilan
atau jajanan yang sangat enak untuk di jadikan makanan gorengan atau
pendamping na...
*#2 A footprint or paw print*
Follow the footprints back here on Thursday to link up with a post about
the 2016 Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt. You...
Believing...... Is Half Way There.
*It is funny how life can sometimes throw things into your path that has a
way of bringing you back into focus. If yo...
Nelle Harper Lee (April 28, 1926 – February 19, 2016) was an American
novelist widely known for To Kill a Mockingbird, published in 1960.
Immediately succ...
Acordo de mais um suicídio,
mas tudo está como esteve:
o preço da colomy intacto,
a mesma estranha sensação
que nunca deveria ter lido
“A poética” de Aristó...
Happy 2016!! Does anyone remember me at all? It's been a long road, but
here I am! Ready to jump back into the Blog-o-Sphere and try, try, try to
(image by Lana Tustich)
Tomei uma decisão importante:
seremos amigos,
o tempo e eu.
Prometo paciência.
Prometo envelhecer
um ano de cada vez.
Prometo ...
Hi Everyone -
Maybe you've noticed it's been quiet here for quite awhile. That's because
I've moved. I hope you will go check out what I'm doing at my n...
Free Streaming Helios in High Quality VideoNow you can play full Helios in
top quality with duration 118 Min and was published in 2015-04-30 and MPAA
And here is some of the wonderful Flora and Fauna we saw
Slightly overexposed orchid
Look close and you'll see an otter...
David Attenborough (!)
Un año mas mi talentosa amiga Vanessa Valencia
organiza la mágica fiesta "Mad Tea Party"
Lamentablemente este año no puedo participar :(
pero los invito a r...
You can sit by a green river flowing
beneath tourist-packed streets
drink green beer, share stories
about kissing the Blarney Stone
and four-leaf clovers...
Soooo recently Amanda Palmer was criticized as not being a real feminist
for showing public displays of affection towards her man. They said, "If
you ha...
Three year break will be officially over soon! Not now cause it's late and
I'm sleepy but stay tuned :] In the meantime I'll leave you with this poem
:] Sa...
Ária para meu verso
Não sei de onde vem o verso
Se da ponta da língua, no amargor
Das construções do eu interior
Cor local, meu som, meu universo
É se...
A exposição "Ídolos da Bola - Craques do Lápis", mostra de caricaturas de
jogadores de futebol, acontece a partir de hoje, na *Sala de Cultura Leila
Hello Friends: It's been ages ... again ... since I posted. This year has
been a slow one for the blog, but that's okay. Maybe I'll just put ten
posts up...
We stare each other down; each waiting for the other to fold. You play your
cards like a pro. Or at least I'll let you think so. You stay unreadable
while ...
Cabelo cacheado dá trabalho,ah se dá. Tenho cabelos levemente ondulados e
extremamente ressecados,a vida inteira lutando para retirar aquela
aparência de...
[Imagem: Naked young man sitting by the sea - Jean Hippolyte Flandrin
Vídeo: Um contra o outro - Deolinda]
Eu te bendigo pela fúria com que me castras as ...
By Molly Meacham
I had never been small
until I heard how evil I am
for being a teacher. With the lie levels
Like many people, I have been following the ongoing GOP presidential
campaigns with increasing levels of amusement, horror and amazement. Mostly
I'm amused...
*"Viva em espaços repletos de luz." Cornélio Celso*
*Live in rooms full of light.*
(image by Kenia Cris)
Dada a série de pequenos episódios de queda de ...
Tonight I meditate upon Radha, of which whose devotion was so great to Her
Lord Krishna, that if we had a tenth of that devotion, I believe we'd be
*"I'll be your Love...your Pain...your Vain.*
*I'll shed your Tears..shield your Fears.And when Shadow looming...I'll
come Running.To kiss away your Misery....
*How is it, I can walk from York Street, Sydney, to Elizabeth, (approx 10
minutes) catch a bus to the Eastern Suburbs, all the while carrying a
Crispy Crè...
*“Pois aqui está a minha vida.*
*Pronta para ser usada.*
*Vida que não guarda*
*nem se esquiva, assustada.*
*Vida sempre a serviço*
*da vida.*
*Para servi...
This blog is not a commercially oriented blog nor is it operated for that purpose - it is intended in all ways to be for my personal entertainment and information only - the material on this site which is not my own work/material was reproduced for personal enjoyment, information and review purposes only and has been obtained, upon information and belief, from sources within the confines of the public domain and/or under the fair use doctrine - use of any such material is in no way intended as an infringement upon any creator or artist or author and where available, full credit to any creator or owner or author or artist is stated in the blog post - however, if you believe any material contained herein bears a copyright, please immediately contact me with proof of infringement and any such material will be immediately removed from this site unless permission to use is granted.
All poetry posted is mine. I DO NOT claim to own the rights to any of the pictures that accompany my writing unless they are my own work. I sometimes post my digital art that I have created from collage sheets, stock images, and vintage images offered for free across the net. I do not claim to own them, I merely use them for my digital art hobby. DO NOT use or reuse any of my poetry or art without my explicit permission.
Thank you
Karla Bardanza
All poetry in this blog is Copyrighted. All rights reserved Karla Bardanza 2010 - 2020. Powered by Blogger.
Woven words as of silk, they flow in symmetry!