Let February wait under the fierce sun.
I don't want to keep courage up.
Why does life have to wear high heel shoes again?
It is hot as hell outside but I only see a furious rain.
After thirty days of quiet glory in Olympus,
surprising the goddesses, I need to stay
where I am.
I forgot to be mortal and even my ordinary name.
I was at peace,
enjoying my innocent moment of sweet obligations
and private stars.
I was just a poetess.
Who will lock me behind those bars?
Who will bring darkness?
under an oak tree
I will sleep and dream
as February sinks in
my tired memory
For my soul was so free and light
swimming in oceans of iridiscent words
and beauty. I was a myth.
Now I don't have my self any more,
neither the day nor the night.
My new character is in that dusty drawer
and I know what I have to say by heart.
The establishment savours my powerlessness
and pain.
Let February wait in vain.
I don't want to keep courage up.
Why does life have to wear high heel shoes again?
It is hot as hell outside but I only see a furious rain.
After thirty days of quiet glory in Olympus,
surprising the goddesses, I need to stay
where I am.
I forgot to be mortal and even my ordinary name.
I was at peace,
enjoying my innocent moment of sweet obligations
and private stars.
I was just a poetess.
Who will lock me behind those bars?
Who will bring darkness?
under an oak tree
I will sleep and dream
as February sinks in
my tired memory
For my soul was so free and light
swimming in oceans of iridiscent words
and beauty. I was a myth.
Now I don't have my self any more,
neither the day nor the night.
My new character is in that dusty drawer
and I know what I have to say by heart.
The establishment savours my powerlessness
and pain.
Let February wait in vain.
Karla Bardanza
Karla, the title of this is very revealing. You show me what we all go through. Not wanting our freedom to ourselves end. Eventually we must all give to those demanding from us. Our endless time is gone. Well expressed. tc