Painting by Natalia Vetrova
Open the door:
I came to stay.
Provide the right words
and all things that I fear
because I'm too busy defending myself
from me and you.
Do not forget the main details,
pepper and sweetness.
I'm so afraid
of taking off my clothes
and of the threatening shadows,
hidden in the beginning.
And if time allows
between days and nights,
keep holding my hand
and allow me to live for free
in your beautiful blue eyes
while you look at me seriously
and we learn how to date
like big people do.
Karla Bardanza
This poem was priginally written in Portuguese. Here it is. I never translate my poems but I couldn't resist this time.The tittle is in French even in Portuguese but there are some specific reasons for that. It is a simple poem but it is very special for me.
Voulez-vous coucher avec moi (ce soir)?
Abra a porta:
cheguei para ficar.
Providencie as palavras certas
e todas as coisas que tenho medo
porque estou ocupada em me defender
de mim e de você
Não se esqueça dos detalhes
principais, da pimenta
e da doçura.
Estou com tanto medo
de tirar a minha roupa,
das sombras ameaçadoras,
do início.
E se houver tempo
entre todas as noites
e os dias que ainda virão,
continue segurando a minha mão
e me permita morar de graça
nos teus belos olhos azuis
enquanto me olhas serio
e aprendemos a namorar
como gente grande.
Karla Bardanza
Copyright©Karla Bardanza 2011
You are blessed to have such a beauty to your language, all its own. I loved this and could envision myself as reading it. Thank you for translating and sharing this! Another love poem from your pen my friend! EXALT!